Kirkgate House
Kirkgate House is a 17-storey tower block which sits just off the bottom of Leith walk. I don't know much about this block as there's next-to-nothing about it on the internet. But anyway, me and Robbie went up it (the same day of the Niddrie visit). We got the lift up to the 12th floor and then walked up to the 17th (top).
Here are the pics:

Jeezo, will people stop sendin me feckin adverts and start sendin me feckin comments!
hi,i lived in kirkgate hs as a kid in 1970s,it was clean,spacoius and great neighbours(no chavs or scumbags)we lived on 9th floor,great veiws to fife from kitchen,i believe its till sought after place to live,has low turnover of vacant flats,i think it was built by "wimpey"in 67 if memory serves me well!ps great pics of other flats,i am a student studying scottish social history and espec post war,housing,new towns etc so keep up good work cos its interesting to see how housing needs change and stuff!
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